Search: For - global cooperation

14 results found

Climate policy in 2021: Balancing domestic ambitions and global cooperation
Jan 04, 2021

Climate policy in 2021: Balancing domestic ambitions and global cooperation

While it is increasingly clear that economies can simultaneously be green and grow rapidly, the shift to a new economic model requires both finance an

Darwinian world order: 2008 was different — there was global cooperation and no blame game about subprime origins
Apr 25, 2020

Darwinian world order: 2008 was different — there was global cooperation and no blame game about subprime origins

Given their own shoddy handling of the COVID-19 outbreak, Trump and the Republicans believe they must demonise China to win the November elections.

Can mental health become a priority pillar for future G20 Presidencies?
Nov 09, 2023

Can mental health become a priority pillar for future G20 Presidencies?

With commitment, collaboration, and a comprehensive approach, the G20 has the capacity to guide us toward a future where mental health occupies a cent

Financing the future: Pathways to fuel the SDGs
Jul 29, 2023

Financing the future: Pathways to fuel the SDGs

The urgency of SDG financing is unquestionable, but impactful measures to bridge the finance gap have to be designed and implemented

Global implications of the Sino-Russian biotechnology collaboration
Jan 02, 2024

Global implications of the Sino-Russian biotechnology collaboration

The Sino-Russian biotechnology collaboration, augmented by its strategic focus on pharmaceuticals and economic growth, has called for a global concern

Nurturing Cooperation in the Critical Minerals Supply Chains
Apr 04, 2024

Nurturing Cooperation in the Critical Minerals Supply Chains

The world is experiencing a crucial shift; a new industrial revolution. This time, the colour is green, and the aim is a cleaner, more livable world for future generations. This industrial revolution will require unprecedented access to critical minerals like graphite, cobalt, lithium, and copper, used for some of the most advanced technologies of our time. Many of these minerals are scattered around the globe, and states that do not have the nat

Promoting South South Development Cooperation: Role of India
Oct 20, 2015

Promoting South South Development Cooperation: Role of India

In the recently inked sustainable development goals (SDG's) which identify international cooperation priorities and set the paradigm for global cooperation, India would be a key contributor laying emphasis on south-south development cooperation as an important pillar of the SDG's post 2015.

Reaching beyond silos: Linking maritime governance with maritime security
Jan 14, 2022

Reaching beyond silos: Linking maritime governance with maritime security

Coupling maritime security with broader maritime governance will aid in advancing global cooperation in the maritime space

आंतरराष्ट्रीय सहकार्याद्वारे हिपॅटायटीसचे उच्चाटन करणे शक्य
Aug 07, 2023

आंतरराष्ट्रीय सहकार्याद्वारे हिपॅटायटीसचे उच्चाटन करणे शक्य

हिपॅटायटीसचे उच्चाटन करणे ही आधुनिक युगाची गरज आहे. त्यासाठी आरोग्य सेवा प्रदाते, सरकार, आंतरराष्ट्रीय संस्था यांच्या बहुक्षेत्रिय समन्वय साधून जागतिक स्तरावर सर्व सम�

चीन-रशियन जैवतंत्रज्ञान सहकार्याचे जागतिक परिणाम
Jan 18, 2024

चीन-रशियन जैवतंत्रज्ञान सहकार्याचे जागतिक परिणाम

चीनी-रशियन बायोटेक्नॉलॉजीच्या सहकार्यामुळे फार्मास्य�